252: Mahatma Gandhi Ki Jai!

Flag adopted by the Indian National Congress following the declaration of independence in 1930.

In the early 1920s, Gandhi began the first nationwide satyagraha campaign. It did not achieve its goals; it eventually provoked violence, inducing Gandhi to call it off, which in turn alienated many of his allies. The British took advantage of this dissention to imprison him.

Just a few years later, following his release, the Congress turned to Gandhi again, seeing him as the only leader who could keep the nationalist factions together. In 1930, Congress declared independence.

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Opening Theme

Raga Number Two

Closing Theme 

Except when otherwise indicated, the contents of this podcast are © and ℗ 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 by Mark Painter, all rights reserved. Music used in the podcast is my own work, except were otherwise indicated. Some music and sound effects used by arrangement with Pond 5.

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