With the war in the East in a de facto armistice because of the revolution in Russia, we shift attention this week to the war in the West. Robert Nivelle, the new French commander in chief, has a plan for the latest “final” offensive to end the war at last, although the fate of this offensive will be the same as every previous “final” offensive.
Also, a Christmas bonus! Manfred von Richtofen, the Red Baron. What does the Red Baron have to do with Christmas? If you don’t already know, find out!
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Opening War Theme
Cello Sonata
Composed by Claude Debussy in 1915. Public domain.
Performed by David Requiro, cello, and Elizabeth DeMio, piano, and used pursuant to a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. Source.
“O Canada”
Composed by Calixa Lavallée in 1880. Public domain.
Performed by the United States Navy Band. Public domain recording. Source.
Closing War Theme
Except when otherwise indicated, the contents of this podcast are © and ℗ 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 by Mark Painter, all rights reserved. Some music and sound effects used by arrangement with Pond 5.