By early 1917, the British are advancing into Ottoman Palestine, with an assist from the Arab Revolt.
Later in the year, as British troops approach Jerusalem, the British Government declares its support for “a national home for the Jewish people.” It is not clear exactly what that means.
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Opening War Theme
Composed in 1888 by Samuel Cohen and Naftali Herz Imber. Public domain.
Performed by the United States Navy Band. Public domain recording. Source.
“Hava Nagila”
Composed in 1915 by Abraham Zevi Idelsohn. Public Domain.
Closing War Theme
Except when otherwise indicated, the contents of this podcast are © and ℗ 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 by Mark Painter, all rights reserved. Some music and sound effects used by arrangement with Pond 5.
British sold out Sherif Hussein not once, but twice:
First time: They promised him “all lands below Anatolia” but never delivered..
Second time: After WW1, when Sherif Hussein started to give the British trouble (he was trying to achieve arab unity, which was not in British colonial interests), they gave the green light to saudi-wahabi brigands and overthrow him completely.. This resulted in an orgy of murder.. Wahabi ikhwan, which is ISIS of 1920’s, killed or amputaded everybody who does not fit into their definition of Islam..
Sherif Hussein had grandiose dreams of becoming the great king of arabia, dreams which are fanned by british operatives much more clever than himself.. He died as a broken man and a traitor in exile..
But it didnt end there.. When wahabi ikhwan found out that the house of saud was a british pawn, they revolted (1929). Saudi royal family called in the British support and RAF units hunted ikhwan’s camel warriors from air with automatic weapons… This was when bomber Harris were firebombing iraqi villages from the air with the express purpose of killing the civilians (The British Manual of Military Law stated that the rules of war applied only to conflict “between civilized nations.” Already in the Manual of 1914, it was clearly stated that “they do not apply in wars with uncivilized States and tribes”)
AFAIK, british also double crossed italians.. They dragged them into war with many promises, but they delivered only a small subset of these..
The only people british did not have the courage to double-cross was the Zionists…
Mehmet you were spot on. It couldalso right to say that the newly found zionist arab friendship is the second part of the greater israel plan.